Jun 11Liked by Ray Alex Williams

Yes, I agree with you. Lets bring back sensible diagnoses... It seems completely obvious that thinking of oneself as trans is existentially destabilizing. You're either not passing, with the consequent blow to the identity, or you are passing, which is like hiding yourself, or you're flitting between the two, in some kind of existential angst. Feels like a lot of wasted energy to me...

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Well said!

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Hi, Ray. I discovered you through your YouTube channel. I'm trans and I've been on hrt for almost a year now. So far, I haven't experienced any gender dysphoria before or since I decided to transition.

Even though I'm transitioning, it's not because of gender dysphoria or because I felt that I was "born in the wrong body." I see transitioning as away for me to escape from discrimination I experience as a gender non conforming heterosexual female, rather than a desire to "be a man." I want to be perceived as a man so that my appearance and behavior is seen as more socially acceptable rather than as a threat. I'm also autistic and have autoandrophilia, which contributes to my preference of wearing clothes marketed towards men. I'm in a uncommon situation since I disrupt society's ideas of cishet females and lgbtq people. I don't fit into either category. I wish there were more spaces for people like myself. I enjoy your content, and I think more discussions about AGP/AAP need to held.

-From USG

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Obviously, a mental disorder, and it was so until the trans lobby took it off the DSM . Anyone who thinks they’re the opposite sex or that they’re a “ furry” obviously has a few things wrong mentally. These people need good mental health counseling.

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