I considered my condition AGP from the time that I learned about it until I stopped compartmentalizing. Then, as I began to do the work of trying to integrate my interior experience through the lens of "being trans," AGP became a lot less compelling, because (1) it didn't feel sufficiently holistic or multifaced to account for the multi-dimensionality and complexity of my interior experience, and (2) I experienced a significant amount of social pressure from other trans people, who seemed to feel threatened that I was considering the term at all.

I've mostly gotten over (2). To (1), I've gained a greater appreciation for the flexibility / versatility of AGP as a heuristic, but I still find it a bit reductive and misleading. I don't mind acknowledging / exploring an AGP dimension to my experience among those for whom the theory has salience, but it's not a framing that I find particularly helpful in parsing myself to myself. I think we could do better in developing language that is more generous and fecund in helping trans people to understand their experience and narrate their identities.

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Can we at least admit it's KIND OF FUNNY your example of an HSTS isn't HSTS 😅

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Tailcalled, can you say more about why you believe Gigi isn’t an example? I’m surprised, having recently watched videos from this “Gregory Gorgeous” playlist—https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA4B63E7B685F038A&si=UShpcIioqjkIPqYv—and it seemed evident that Gregory was a super-effeminate young gay man! But you may know more than I do. Help?

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Dating Nats

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Jun 17Liked by Ray Alex Williams

I do know about Gorgeous’ relationship with Nats Getty.

(Btw, I searched for “Dating Nats” in case that’s the title of something? But didn’t find anything)

So GG is now with a female (who is super-rich! And at some point began identifying as a man). If that’s why you say GG is not an example of HSTS, despite GG’s experience up to age 24 (when the “I am a lesbian” announcement was issued), I guess I understand…though (as much as I enjoy a good love story) I also wouldn’t be all that surprised if Nats’ fortune had worked as a powerful aphrodisiac on GG.

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